Eucalyptus radiata
Catalogue number: MELUD102467a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Bogong/Omeo Road FC/Omeo
Collectors: Duigan, S.L., Ashton, D.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/00/1966
Number of high resolution images: 3
There are 101 collection objects. Of these, 62 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 76 images, and 95 collection objects are georeferenced.
Catalogue number: MELUD102467a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Bogong/Omeo Road FC/Omeo
Collectors: Duigan, S.L., Ashton, D.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/00/1966
Number of high resolution images: 3
Catalogue number: MELUD102542a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Bogong/Omeo Road, Omeo.
Collectors: Duigan, S.L. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/00/1966
Number of high resolution images: 3
Catalogue number: MELUD112289a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Along Carters Road, c. 1.9 km from intersection with Mt Buller Tourist Road.
Collectors: Batty, E.L., Bayly, M.J., Brown, G.K. Collector's number: ELB111
Collected date: 12/04/2011
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD112088a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Little River Falls, Snowy River National Park
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L., French, P.A., Wilson, R.K. Collector's number: MJB2309A
Collected date: 20/06/2013
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD112086a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Mongarlowe, along Northangera Road
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L., French, P.A., Wilson, R.K. Collector's number: MJB2294
Collected date: 18/06/2013
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD105032a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Moe
Collectors: Scarlett, N.H. Collector's number: WG221
Collected date: 01/04/1973
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD105039a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Pt Lookout, New England National Park, [Dorrigo]
Collectors: Hallam, N.D. Collector's number: NSW21
Collected date: 00/11/1964
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD105027a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: About 10 km N. of Whittlesea in foothills.
Collectors: Marginson, J.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/09/1978
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD112068a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Brisbane Ranges National Park
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L. Collector's number: MJB 2142
Collected date: 17/01/2011
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD105038a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Road to Tidal River, Wilsons Promontory.
Collectors: Ashton, D.H. Collector's number: 29
Collected date: 05/05/1963
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD104503a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: By Victoria star mine, Clarkeville Rd, c 4.5km S of Bendoc.
Collectors: Clarke, I.C. Collector's number: ICC1385
Collected date: 16/08/1982
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD105028a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Cascades, Kinglake West
Collectors: Gill, A.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/12/1963
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUD105041a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Smith's [Smiths] Gully, between Eltham and Kinglake.
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y. Collector's number: PYL20
Collected date: 29/03/1981
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105040a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Smith's [Smiths] Gully, between Eltham and Kinglake.
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y. Collector's number: PYL17
Collected date: 29/03/1981
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105037a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Heath Area, Frankston
Collectors: Hallam, N.D. Collector's number: 72
Collected date: 23/06/1963
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105036a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mt Disappointment.
Collectors: Hallam, N.D. Collector's number: 12
Collected date: 17/04/1963
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105035a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mount Buffalo
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/02/1978
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105034a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: GWST [Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Trust] catchment, area no. 1, Brisbane Ranges.
Collectors: Scarlett, N.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/08/1968
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105042a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: null Locality: Chelsea Physic Gardens, Chelsea, London
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y. Collector's number: PYL20(3)
Collected date: 00/00/1982
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105056a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pine Mt. National Park, 20 m from Cudgwa Bluff falls carpark, [Tintaldra]
Collectors: Wilson, K.E., Read, S.M. Collector's number: KEW317
Collected date: 20/04/1992
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105374a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 3 miles beyond Bogong Township.
Collector's number: 407
Collected date: 00/10/1944
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD108365a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne campus, Creswick.
Collectors: Ades, P., Ladiges, P.Y., Spokevicius, A., Kahrood, H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/01/2012
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD109484a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Vereker Track [Wilsons Promontory National Park]
Collector's number: 4568-28
Collected date: 04/05/1968
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD112078a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Mongarlowe, along Northangera Road
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L., French, P.A., Wilson, R.K. Collector's number: MJB2290
Collected date: 18/06/2013
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD112081a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Grenville, private property
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L. Collector's number: MJB2332
Collected date: 19/08/2013
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD112082a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Southeast of Tarwin Lower, Bald Hills Road 1.15 km east of Tarwin Lower-Waratah Road.
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L. Collector's number: MJB2468A
Collected date: 12/09/2013
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD112084a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Mongarlowe, along Northangera Road
Collectors: Bayly, M.J., Batty, E.L., French, P.A., Wilson, R.K. Collector's number: MJB2293
Collected date: 18/06/2013
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD015929a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pyrite[s] Creek & mine branch 547666, [Coimadai]
Collectors: Elliott, C.G. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 04/08/1949
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD015930a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: About 5 miles south of Lang-lang.
Collectors: Wykes, G. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 11/03/1946
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD015931a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lighthouse track, Wilson's Promentory
Collectors: Groves, R.H. Collector's number: 9
Collected date: 00/08/1961
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD015932a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Killara (Woori Yallock Ck).
Collectors: Ashton, D.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/12/1959
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD015933a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Darby River, Wilson's Prom.
Collectors: Connor, D.J. Collector's number: 31
Collected date: 07/12/1964
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD015935a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Warrandyte
Collectors: Turner, J.S. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/12/1940
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD102959a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: [Mt Buffalo National Park], near �The Chalet�
Collectors: St John, P.R.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/11/1938
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD103655a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mt Buffalo National Park, Mt Buffalo Road, above Rollason�s Falls Picnic Area, c. 100 m up hill from where The Big Walk crosses the road.
Collectors: Kellow, A.V., Bayly, M.J. Collector's number: AVK298
Collected date: 11/01/2007
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD103979a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Long gully Rd, Grampians.
Collectors: Chambers, T.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 17/09/1981
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD104028a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: South side of Bendock [Bendoc] township.
Collectors: Clarke, I.C. Collector's number: ICC1385
Collected date: 16/08/1982
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105021a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Noojee
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105021b
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Tyers [Lime].
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105022a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Nowa Nowa
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/02/1939
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105023a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: About 10 km N. of Whittlesea in foothills.
Collectors: Marginson, J.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/09/1978
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105024a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: [No further details given]
Collectors: Gill, A.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/11/1963
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105025a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: (Cascades), Kinglake West
Collectors: Gill, A.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/07/1962
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105026a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Walhalla.
Collectors: Ashton, D.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/01/1967
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105029a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: About 2 km W. of old Prison Farm, French Island.
Collectors: Clarke, I.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/08/1978
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105030a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Rowville
Collectors: Williamson, A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/11/1979
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105031a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: At Stony Ck Depot, Brisbane Ranges, Durdidwarrah
Collectors: Scarlett, N.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 01/09/1968
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD105033a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Brisbane Ranges, area north of No. 2 dam (GWST [Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Trust] catchment area 1 &2).
Collectors: Scarlett, N.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/07/1967
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD112286a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Campsite along Carters Road, c. 1.85 km from intersection with Mt Buller Tourist Road.
Collectors: Batty, E.L., Bayly, M.J., Brown, G.K. Collector's number: ELB112
Collected date: 13/04/2011
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129598a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Howletts.
Collectors: Chapman, W.D. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129599a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Bogong.
Collectors: Chapman, W.D. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129600a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Seven Creeks, Strathbogies
Collectors: Wright, W.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/09/1946
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129601a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: 10-15 ml. E. Tenterfield.
Collectors: Wright, W.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/09/1945
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD117283a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Polly McQuinns Rd, Strathbogie.
Collectors: Vesk, P.A. Collector's number: PMA01
Collected date: 09/06/2018
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129602a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Narbethong.
Collectors: Semmens, E.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/05/1933
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129603a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Eltham.
Collectors: Wright, W.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/04/1945
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129604a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Tumut Forest.
Collectors: Fagg, P.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1967
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129605a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Nr. Moates Cr.[Corner], Mornington Pen[insula].
Collectors: Wright, W.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1946
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129606a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Belgrave, Dandenong District.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/04/1928
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129607a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Tumut forest.
Collectors: Fagg, P.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1967
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129608a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Yallourn.
Collectors: Wright, F.S. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/06/1945
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD129609a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Creswick. Dean Rd. near S.G.L.S.R.
Collectors: Bartlett, A.G. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/12/1975
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUD120274a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Poddy's Creek, Princes Highway, west of Cann River.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H. Collector's number: B7013
Collected date: 26/10/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120275a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Poddy's Creek, Princes Highway, west of Cann River.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H. Collector's number: B7014
Collected date: 26/10/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120276a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Poddy's Creek, Princes Highway, west of Cann River.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H. Collector's number: B7015
Collected date: 26/10/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120277a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: V/OR-1 D
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120278a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: V/OR-2
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120279a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: V/OR-1 E
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120280a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: V/OR-3
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120281a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 8.5 km from Gellibrand on Carlisle River rd., near Otway Ranges.
Collectors: Newnham, M.R. Collector's number: T1
Collected date: 15/05/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120282a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 9.0 km from Gellibrand on Carlisle Rover Rd., near Otway Ranges.
Collectors: Newnham, M.R. Collector's number: T2
Collected date: 15/05/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120283a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 9.5 km from Gellibrand on Carlisle River Rd., near Otway Ranges.
Collectors: Newnham, M.R. Collector's number: T3
Collected date: 15/05/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120284a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 10.5 km from Gellibrand on Carlisle Rover Rd., near Otway Ranges.
Collectors: Newnham, M.R. Collector's number: T4
Collected date: 15/05/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120285a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 11 km from Gellibrand on Carlisle River Rd., near Otway Ranges.
Collectors: Newnham, M.R. Collector's number: T5
Collected date: 15/05/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120286a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Central tablelands: 1 km from Oberon-Goulburn Rd at Richlands towards Wombeyan Caves.
Collectors: Thompson, H., Mallinson, D., Bayliss, K. Collector's number: 827
Collected date: 26/11/1986
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115558a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Combienbar Rd, Combienbar, E Gippsland Vic
Collectors: Vesk, P.A., White, D.J. Collector's number: CBC001
Collected date: 06/04/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115557a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Combienbar Rd, Combienbar, E Gippsland Vic
Collectors: Vesk, P.A., White, D.J. Collector's number: CBB001
Collected date: 06/04/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115588a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Yarrangobilly, Snowy Mountains Highway 150 m south of Goodmans Gully, track to west.
Collectors: Vesk, P.A., White, D.J. Collector's number: SMH001
Collected date: 16/04/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115595a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Yarra state Forest, Brahams Rd
Collectors: Vesk, P.A., White, D.J. Collector's number: BRC001
Collected date: 09/06/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115614a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lysterfield National Park, near corner of Wellington and Logan Park Road car park.
Collectors: Vesk, P.A., Neal, W.C. Collector's number: LYA003
Collected date: 18/08/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115680a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Australian Capital Territory Locality: Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, just north of Xanthorrhoea loop walk from Dalsetta car park.
Collectors: Neal, W.C., McLay, T.G.B. Collector's number: TIA04
Collected date: 04/11/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115681a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Australian Capital Territory Locality: Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, just north of Xanthorrhoea loop walk from Dalsetta car park.
Collectors: Neal, W.C., McLay, T.G.B. Collector's number: TIA05
Collected date: 04/11/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD115682a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Australian Capital Territory Locality: Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, along Bushland Meander walk from Black Flats car park.
Collectors: Neal, W.C., McLay, T.G.B. Collector's number: TIB01
Collected date: 04/11/2017
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD117759a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Emerald.
Collectors: Bernhardt, P. Collector's number: V74
Collected date: 19/12/1978
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD118420a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Conifers Picnic Ground, Mount Martha.
Collectors: Vesk, P.A., Neal, W.C., Morris, W.K. Collector's number: MMB05
Collected date: 22/10/2018
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120215a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Smith's gully between Eltham and Kinglake.
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y. Collector's number: PYL18
Collected date: 29/03/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120216a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Smith's gully between Eltham and Kinglake.
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y. Collector's number: PYL16
Collected date: 29/03/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120217a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Smith's gully between Eltham and Kinglake.
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y. Collector's number: PYL19
Collected date: 29/03/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120246a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Australian Capital Territory Locality: Uriarra.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H., Griffin, R. Collector's number: PYL225
Collected date: 17/09/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120247a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Australian Capital Territory Locality: Uriarra.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H., Griffin, R. Collector's number: PYL228
Collected date: 17/09/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120248a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Australian Capital Territory Locality: Uriarra.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H., Griffin, R. Collector's number: PYL229
Collected date: 17/09/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120249a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Top section of Wentworth Falls.
Collectors: Ladiges, P.Y., O'Keefe, M. Collector's number: PYL666
Collected date: 23/08/1985
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120266a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: PYL630(2)
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120267a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: PYL630(1)
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120268a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: PYL666(3)
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120269a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: PYL666(1)
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120270a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120271a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120272a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: University of Melbourne, School of Botany glasshouse.
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD120273a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Poddy's Creek, Princes Highway, west of Cann River.
Collectors: Brooker, M.I.H. Collector's number: B7012
Collected date: 26/10/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUD103579a
Family: Myrtaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mt Buffalo National Park, Mt Buffalo Road.
Collectors: Kellow, A.V., Bayly, M.J. Collector's number: AVK247
Collected date: 20/04/2006
Number of high resolution images: 0
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The marker icon indicates a single location where one or more objects were collected. Click to see more information. |
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A pink circle indicates two to nine proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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An orange circle indicates 10 to 99 proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1920-1929 | 1 |
1930-1939 | 3 |
1940-1949 | 9 |
1950-1959 | 1 |
1960-1969 | 18 |
1970-1979 | 8 |
1980-1989 | 23 |
1990-1999 | 1 |
2000-2009 | 2 |
2010-2019 | 20 |
Total | 86 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1940-1949 | 1 |
1950-1959 | 1 |
1960-1969 | 5 |
1970-1979 | 3 |
1980-1989 | 1 |
1990-1999 | 0 |
2000-2009 | 3 |
2010-2019 | 10 |
2020-2029 | 4 |
Total | 28 |
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